Hey all! I just started blogging recently, and I forsee myself getting bored and going "all crazy" with it, by posting 900 articles an hour for you all to be bored by! :) Anyway, my name is Andrew Maddox. I live in beautiful California near University of California: Berkeley. I didn't go there, but I feel smarter just living by it.
I'm a newly licensed doctor of medicine, certified in Family Practice and I made this blog to share my interests and also answer questions that people have. You are welcome to respond to any of my posts via comments, and I will get back to you ASAP. I also have a LiveChat on here, so feel free to give that a click and see if I'm around. I can only answer your questions to the extent of which I am allowed to by law. As such, all I wish to do is to answer medically based questions and provide as much advice as I can.